C with B project finished

The C with B project has come to an end. Conserve with Benefits in partnership with NYNCC (National Youth Network on Climate Change) and Youthure Foundation implemented the Conserve with Benefit (C with B) project from June 2020 until May 2022.  The project has been financially supported by TAUW Foundation and we thank them for their contribution. The project was targeted towards youth members of the Chagunda Youth Club by engaging them in 3 different livelihood and environment initiatives namely, beekeeping, mushroom husbandry, and reforestation.

The project implemented forest conservation initiatives in the forests surrounding the Salima District with the project participants. They set up a nursery for introduction of trees, flowers and other flowering plants into the forest to create a safe haven for pollinators threatened by habitat loss and vegetation depletion. The seeds were provided by the project as well as a shovel, wheelbarrow, plastic tubes, a rake and a watering can.

The chief of the village allocated pieces of  land in the village to the youth where the youth planted the trees. In total 5000 trees have been planted so far with a survival rate of 70%.

Also, beehives were introduced in the forests surrounding the Salima District. In addition a honey processing and packaging facility was set up to allow the youth to supply honey to the market. Beehives, bee suites, smokers, gumboots and other necessary equipment were provided to the youth by the project.

At the start of the project, a workshop on beekeeping was held for the youth where youth learned more about the types of bees; the relationship between bees, people and the environment,; how to install a beehive; how to manage it; and how to harvest honey. Afterwards, the youth started their own beekeeping businesses. While at first challenges with honey production were faced due to heat, bushfires and people stealing honey, the honey production is catching up again.

Lastly, a mushroom production facility was set up where mushrooms are produced, sorted and packed to enable the youth to market mushrooms and generate a small income. The project rented a housing facility where mushrooms could be produced. Furthermore, mushrooms seeds, a sprayer and the necessary packaging equipment were provided to the youth. Before the start of production, a workshop was organized to introduce participants to mushroom production as an economic venture. During the workshop the participants were given knowledge on types of mushrooms, where to plant the mushrooms, how to manage mushroom production and harvesting and processing.

Overall, the youth have mentioned to have been very satisfied with the project and it is their wish to continue. They have received a fund from the government to continue their activities, scale up the businesses and get refresher workshops and trainings.