ANBI information


Youthure Foundation has been granted the status of Public Benefit Organization (ANBI) by the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration. The Dutch abbreviation means Algemeen Nut Beogende Instellingen. This means you can deduct your donations to Youthure foundation in the income tax return if you meet the conditions of the tax authorities. See for more information on the tax benefits on the site of the Tax and Customs Administration.


Statutory name: Stichting YOUthure

Brand name: Youthure Foundation

Chamber of Commerce registration number: 81065108

RSIN/Tax number: 861913206

Contact details:

Youthure Foundation

Waterstraat 86

7201 HN, Zutphen

The Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)646240846


Policy plan

Vision :

The youth is the future and we are motivated to tackle the youth unemployment situation resulting in less migration/urbanization and less criminality. We believe that by focussing on improved sustainable farming practices that are adapting to climate change, we will make farmers more resilient and able to benefit the environment in a sustainable way (e.g. less landscape degradation, efficient use of scarce resources like land and water). Local economies/markets will be supported and food production increased. Our projects are sustainable investments that will create a snowball effect. On the long-term, it contributes to an increase in GDP and decreases poverty and crime, not only on a local scale but also on a regional and even national level.


The Youthure Foundation is committed to help, motivate and mobilize (mainly unemployed) young people (18-35 years) to work in the agricultural sector. By focusing on sustainable projects, Youthure Foundation helps to create a sustainable future for young people, the local community and the environment.

Find the full policy plan document here:


Loes van der Pluijm – Chair

Lucia Halbherr – Secretary             

Fleur van der Vliet  – Treasurer

The board meets at least four times a year for a board meeting and their activities are all done on a voluntary basis. The Board is responsible for overseeing the general affairs of the Foundation and the supervision of the activities and policies.

Remuneration policy staff

Currently the Youthure Foundation team members work as volunteers. Eventually they will be assigned to get paid for their part-time / full-time activities when sufficient funds are available. The salaries of Youthure Foundation employees will be in line with market practice and will follow the basic salary guidelines.


The latest news relating our activities will be available under the news section and in our annual reports. The annual report will contain information about performed activities and financial statements in that year and the first edition will be published beginning of 2022.

Annual report 2021

Annual report 2022

Annual report 2023