
Update Youth Test Farm Malawi

The construction of the training center is almost finished. A lot of hard work has been done the past months and in a short amount of time a beautiful training center has been set up on the farm. Here the youth participants can gain theoretical knowledge that they can later be put into practice on … Read more

New Project: Youth Test Farm in Malawi

We are excited to announce that a new project has started in Malawi. A month ago, we got the go ahead to start off with building a youth test farm in Ukwe, Lilongwe District. Our local partner organisation Conserve with Benefits, that is responsible for the implementation of the project, has worked hard to mobilise … Read more

News Updates C with B project

The C with B project is developing at a fast pace. Beehives have been installed and mushroom production is starting. Soon the youth can start selling honey and mushrooms. Not only the youth is engaged, the local community is also becoming aware of the benefits of the new ventures. Secretary for Chagunda youth organization beneficiaries … Read more

C with B project in the news

Since the start of the ‘C with B project several media outlets have posted about the project. The Maravi post wrote about our ‘C with B project’ in August. Click here to read the full article. Another article was posted in the Malawi News Agency paper: And a video was shared on national television:

First beekeeping training (C with B)

From the 12th to the 14th of August 2020, the first beekeeping training as part of the C with B project took place in the Salima District. The training was a success. Participants gained and demonstrated knowledge on various aspects of beekeeping including: the relationship among bees, people and the environment; bee biology and sociology; … Read more

C with B project has started

We are happy to announce that we have received funding for two years to start off with the C with B project. The project aims to empower youth economically through capacity building and honey/mushroom business in the Salima District in Malawi. Youth will be offered an alternative source of income in an area where cutting … Read more